Friday, May 6, 2011

Beauty tips for oily skin

Some Useful Tips for Removing Oily Skin
Oily skin is often a problem of many, because this type looks unattractive and unpleasing to look at. It is caused by too much production of oil or sebum from the sebaceous glands when overly stimulated and are overactive. When this happens, the skin is prone to the formation of zits and breakouts and can lead to more skin problems. To stop problems from cropping up, here are some tips to follow on how to treat oily skin.

1.Wash the face at least twice or thrice a day. Instead of using a cleanser, clean the face regularly with soap and water. But bear in mind to use only soap and products that are alcohol-based since it is irritating to the skin and can cause drying. But if the acne is recurring, use a salicylic-based cleanser for cleaning the face.

2.Before going to sleep, make sure that the face is devoid of any trace of makeup, especially if you are suffering from oily skin. This habit must be a daily routine and should be done no matter how tired you are and how late you are arriving home. Makeup is considered foreign bodies on the skin that blocks the skin pores and keeps the skin from breathing properly leading to more skin problems.
3.Ensure that the toner used for the face should not contain alcohol, as this can cause drying. Toner takes away deposits left by the cleanser and make the skin feel smooth and good. 

4.Moisturizers should be used even if the skin is oily, as this helps for the hydration of the skin. Just make sure to use the one formulated for your skin type. A face mask that can purify or clay-based; is also needed once weekly to clear the pimples or just to protect the skin from any foreign bodies. A multivitamin mask protects the skin from the sun, damage from smoking and environment, and from early aging.

5.When you need to go outdoors, use lotion-based sunscreen that will not sit on the skin but can be absorbed straight away. A light moisturizer with spf. Protects the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun.

6.Lessen the use of stimulants like hot spices.

7.Visit the sauna once in a while to regulate the oil glands in the facial skin. 

8.Do away with picking and squeezing the zits and blackheads because this can cause scarring and skin damage that may be difficult to treat. 

9.Visit a dermatologist and consult for severe skin problems and possible treatments.

Oily skin is beneficial as it renders the skin resistance and strength. It makes the moisture of the skin last longer and makes you younger-looking and fresh, making it less susceptible to wrinkles and early aging. But overproduction of oil makes the skin too oily and will look unattractive. That is why these tips are helpful in removing the grease from the face to make it more attractive, less shiny and greasy.

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