Thursday, June 2, 2011

Love for Lemons

Lemon on Skin, Face & Body

  • When your skin feels dry and it needs rejuvenating or you just want to give it that smooth, clean feeling use a natural skin lotion made from lemon juice. Mix equal amounts of honey, vegetable oil and lemon juice and massage this into and areas that feel dry, especially your hands, face, elbows and feet. Leave the mixture on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
  • Use a slice of lemon, lemon juice or even the pulp of the lemon to soothe skin irritations caused by insect bites and stings.
  • For chapped lips create a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and honey and then rub it onto your lips several times a day.
  • A cheap yet refreshing drink that the whole family can enjoy is your own home-made lemon drink. Just add lemon juice or an ice cube of frozen lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of sugar to a jug of water and stir well. You can even a twist of lime juice if you have any to create an alternative lemon lime flavour.
  • If you have dark or dry, rough skin on your elbows then rubbing them with half a lemon and then washing off with water will make the skin smooth and over time lighten the color. Placing lemon juice on the skin can also be used to lighten the colour of freckles and other blemishes.
  • If you have persistent dandruff or an itchy scalp then you can use fresh lemon juice mixed together with an egg white in equal proportions to treat it. Just massage this mixture into your scalp, leave for 30-45 minutes and then wash it out. Do this before each shower and you will soon see the results of a cleaner, smoother scalp.
  • If you have brittle finger nails then rubbing sliced lemon everyday on them will help you to achieve much stronger and sturdier nails.
  • If you have fine lines or wrinkles on your face then you may want to try this natural remedy to help reduce their visibility. On your face evenly apply a mixture made from 1 teaspoon honey, ¼ teaspoon fresh lemon juice and a drop of sweet almond oil. Allow the mixture to dry, leave on for 15 minutes and then wash the lemon on the face off with warm water.
  • Lemon juice has been known for years to promote good internal health and vitality. Not only is it full of vitamin C to help boost your immune system but it is also full of natural glucose and fibre to help relieve constipation and replace lost fluids on a hot day. Place a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in a glass of water and drink this every morning for good personal health. You can even sweeten the drink with a teaspoon of honey or sugar if this is preferable.
  • Make sure that you remember to brush your teeth after consuming any strong form of lemon juice as its acidic properties can weaken your teeth's enamel over time.
  • Create your own hand lotion which you can use as often as you want to need to. Combine 2 parts fresh lemon juice with 3 parts honey and 4 parts almond oil. Massage the mixture into hands and leave it for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with vinegar and water. This completely natural & inexpensive homemade hand lotion will leave your hands feeling silky smooth and can also be stored in a container for up to 3 weeks.
  • A natural way to stop body odor is to rub lemon juice or a lemon on skin areas that cause problems (ie: under the arms) and then pat it dry. Doing this will change to pH level of your skin and make it much harder for any odor causing bacteria to survive.
  • If you have a sore throat or a bad cough you can mix lemon juice, honey and red cayenne pepper in a glass and then swallow it. The honey will help to sooth your throat, the cayenne pepper will improve circulation and the lemon juice will reduce inflammation, as well as providing you with much needed vitamin C.
  • To deal with the problem of oily hair you can make you own lemon juice hair rinse. Just add the juice from 1 lemon to a cup of water, put in into a bottle and after you shampoo your hair apply this mixture, leave it in for 5 minutes and then rinse it out with water.
  • If you have a wart and want a natural method to get rid of it try using lemon peel. Simply tape the lemon peel over the wart before you go to bed each night and a chemical in the lemon skin will disolve the wart and discourage it from regrowing.
  • Lemon Detox Diet

    • Lemon juice acts as a diuretic which means that it helps to increase the flow of water through the body. The lemon detox diet takes advantage of this particular characteristic in helping to flush your body and make it healthier.
    • The lemon juice detox diet (or Lemonade Diet as it is known in Hollywood) has become popular lately with people who wish to cleanse their body of chemicals and toxins that have been building up in their body from the air, food and water that we consume each day.
    • With the help of the Lemon Detox Diet you can not only cleanse your system but it has also been known to promote weight loss, improve your core strength and increase your resistance to illness.
    • Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxident that reduces the number of free radicals in the body. These free redicals can damage the cells in your body and are known to turn cholesterol into fatty deposits on your artery walls.
    • In the lemon juice detox diet you mix palm and maple syrups with, cayenne pepper and fresh lemon juice in order to make a sort of lemon syrup. This is then consumed regularly with the syrup providing you with the energy that you need and the lemon juice helping to flush out your body.
    • The lemon syrup solution actually provides you body with only about ¼ of you daily energy needs, so if you don't consume any other food, as the diet suggests, then you will defintely loose weight, but may also suffer from a slower metabolism and loss of muscle.
    • When you stop this lemon diet you may find that your body is free of toxins but any weight that you lost is put back on almost immediately.
    • The lemon diet is actually quite easy to follow, but it should be only undertaken if you have all of the knowledge about what steps need to be followed and after serious consultation with a professional medical health practitioner.  
    • Cleaning Uses For Lemon Juice

      • After washing glassware rinse them in water that has a few lemon skins or thin slices of lemon in it. This lemon cleaning works because the acid from the lemons makes the glasses sparkle like new.
      • If you want to remove stubborn stains from your bath rub them with a half a fresh lemon that has been dipped in salt.
      • For clean hands rub them with fresh lemon juice or lemon slices. This will remove from your hands any odours caused by onion, garlic, fish or raw meat, as well as stains caused by berries or fruit.
      • Use lemon juice and salt to remove mildew from clothes. Simply pour some lemon juice over the affected garment, then rub salt onto it and put it in the sun for 2 hours before washing normally.
      • Lemon juice can be applied to your hair as part of the final rinse after shampoo in order to give it that clean shine and extra volume. Simply use a jug or pitcher of warm water with lemon juice added to it and pour it over your hair, making sure to keep your eyes shut.
      • Be aware that using concentrated lemon juice on your hair will, over time, have the effect of lightening your hair color.
      • You can easily make your own brass and copper cleaner from lemon juice and vinegar. Just mix them together in equal portions, apply the mixture with a soft cloth, leave for a few minutes and then rub it off with a lint free cloth.
      • You can also bring back the shine on any items that are made of aluminum by rubbing it with a lemon that has been cut in half.
      • If you have stained or marked chopping boards you can clean, deodorize and whiten them all at once by rubbing them down with lemon juice or half a lemon.
      • Mix 1 litre of water with 25ml of lemon juice and use this solution to effectively clean the mirrors and windows around your house, wihtout the need for harsh chemical cleaners. 
      • 10 Reasons Lemon Juice Is a Super food

      • Saying that lemons are a superfood is an understatement. Their medicinal properties are never ending and they add abundant flavor to a variety of dishes. Lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamins C and B, proteins, carbohydrates, and phosphorous. The flavanoids within the juice are said to contain antioxidants, which is why it's so useful in treating so many ailments and conditions. We've already discussed how it can cure you of the hiccups and wake up your liver and help flush out toxins in the morning, but here are 10 more health benefits associated with lemons:
      • Constipation and diarrhea relief. Lemons help cleanse the digestive track and allow food to digest properly.
      • Lemons aid in the production of antibodies in the blood that attack invading microorganisms and prevent infection.
      • Lemon is found to be anticarcinogenic, which can lower the rates of colon, prostate, and breast cancer.
      • Because of its high potassium content, lemon controls high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea, and provides relaxation to mind and body.

    • Lemons feature antibacterial properties that help aid sore throats. Mix half of a lemon with water and gargle.
    • Lemons are great for colds, the flu, and fevers. They help stop the fever by increasing perspiration.
    • Lemon has antiseptic and styptic properties, so it can stop internal bleeding. For instance, you can put some lemon on a cotton ball and apply it to the inside of your nose to stop a nose bleed.
    • Lemon mixed with water is great for anyone who has respiratory problems like asthma because of its rich source of vitamin C.
    • A cup of warm water with lemon and a pinch of salt can help with weight loss and lower cholesterol.
    • When applied to a burn, lemon juice will actually reduce the burning sensation since it acts as a cooling agent. 


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